Double Yarns Overs and Beyond
Jen LucasDescription
Jen begins by working a variety of yarn overs. She creates single, double, triple, and 4x yarn overs on a swatch of Stockinette stitch (knit on Right Side/purl on Wrong Side) fabric. On the Right-Side rows, she wraps the yarn around the needle the specified number of times. On the Wrong Side of fabric, she alternated purl stitches and knit stitches into the larger yarn overs to maintain the stitch count on the fabric. She also demonstrates what happens if you purl all the stitches into a larger yarn over – the result is one big, loose stitch that throws off the stitch count of the piece.
Jen then works the Bird’s Eye Stitch, a mesh lace pattern that is perfect for shawls and scarves.
Worked over a multiple of 4 stitches.
Row 1 (RS): K2, k2tog, *yo twice, ssk, k2tog; repeat from * to last 4 sts, yo twice, ssk, k2.
Row 2 (WS): K2, p1 (p1, k1) into double yo, *p2, (p1, k1) into double yo; repeat from * to last 3 sts, p1, k2.
Row 3: K2, yo, *ssk, k2tog, yo twice; repeat from * to last 6 sts, ssk, k2tog, yo, k2.
Row 4: K2, p3, *(p1, k1) into double yo, p2; repeat from * to last 3 sts, p1, k2.
Repeat Rows 1 – 4 for pattern.
k: knit
k2tog: knit two stitches together
p: purl
ssk: slip a stitch as if to knit to right needle, slip a second stitch as if to knit to right needle, slip both stitches back to left needle and knit together through the back loops
st(s): stitch(es)
RS: Right Side
WS: Wrong Side
yo: yarn over
Related Articles: How to Work a Double Yarn Over