How to Increase Using a Knit Front&Back (KFB)
Jen LucasDescription
The knit front and back increase is a simple increase that looks beautiful in your knitting. In this video, Jen Lucas, explains this knitting increase and shows how it looks in both garter stitch and Stockinette stitch. As she points out in the video, when the knit front and back increase is worked on a background of garter stitch, it blends nicely into the fabric. When this increase is worked in Stockinette stitch, the bar that is created from working the increase is much more visible, but can be used to create a lovely decorative effect in your project.
You will often see the knit front and back increase abbreviated as kfb or k1f&b in your knitting pattern. Always be sure to check out the abbreviations section of your knitting pattern to find this information. To work the knit front and back increase, you’ll knit into the front of the next stitch, but leave the original stitch on the left-hand needle. Bring the right-hand needle around to the back of the left-hand needle. Insert the right-hand needle into the back of the stitch and knit the stitch again. You’ll then drop the stitch off the left-hand needle. As Jen demonstrates, the new stitch that is created makes a bar to the left of the old stitch. You’ll sometimes see the knit front and back increase also be called a bar increase.
Working the knit front and back increase is very simple and is used in a wide variety of projects from baby sweaters to shawls. It’s a great increase to have in your knitting toolbox for your next project.
Hi! I'm Jen Lucas for The Knitting Circle. In this video I'm going to show you the knit front and back increase. It's a very simple increase that you can use in all of your knitting projects, from baby sweaters to shawls. So let's go ahead and get started on the simple increase.
The knit front and back stitch is very easy to do, and I have a couple of swatches here to just show you how it looks. Here I've done the knit front and back in some garter stitch. I actually really like to use this increase in garter stitch because I feel like it blends in to the texture of garter stitch very nicely. So I do like to use this increase a lot when I'm doing garter stitch, but I also think that it looks really great in stockinette. Here I've done some knit front and backs on each edge along here, and you can see that it does create a very nice little detail here.
It creates this tiny little bar as you're doing your increases. And I think that it can look really, really great if you place them in the right spots in your knitting. So let's go ahead and do that knit front and back. So I'm going to just start by knitting the first stitch here just to get away from the edge. And then to knit front and back, I'm going to insert my needle as if to knit.
I have knit my stitch. Now, instead of taking this stitch off of the needle, I'm going to come back around and knit into the back of that stitch. Just like that. So where I had one stitch, I now have two. You see it creates this little bar here, and that is your knit front and back stitch.
I'm just going to knit one more stitch just to sort of get away from that one. Again, knit front and back. I'm going to insert my needle as if I'm going to knit through the front like I normally would. Knit that stitch, keep the stitch on the left needle, come around to the back, insert my needle into the back of the stitch, and knit it again. That's a knit front and back.
I'll go ahead and show you that one more time. Knit into the front. Bring the right-hand needle around to the back and knit into the back. And there you go. And that's it.
You can see that the name of the increase is exactly what you do in the stitch. Very simple to work. I'm Jen Lucas for The Knitting Circle. I hope that you enjoyed this video, and be sure to check out our other videos at our website. We have lots more increasing videos for you.
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