Jen Lucas

Knit Two Stitches Together Through the Back Loops (K2tog tbl)

Jen Lucas
Duration:   2  mins


Once you’ve learned to knit and purl, you’ll need to add a few more stitches to your skill set in order to make all sorts of knitting projects. Simple decreases like knit two stitches together (k2tog) and slip, slip, knit (ssk) are found in a variety of patterns. Another easy single decrease that you’ll find is the knit two stitches together through the back loop (K2tog tbl) decrease. In this video, Jen Lucas shows you just how easy this decrease is to work.


This decrease is commonly abbreviated as k2tog tbl in knitting patterns. It’s a left-leaning decrease, similar in look and function to the ssk decrease. The k2tog tbl decrease begins by inserting the right needle into the next two stitches on the left needle through their back loops. The stitches are then knit together to create a single stitch. This particular decrease is a considered a single decrease because there is 1 stitch where there were previously 2 stitches.

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Hi everyone, I'm Jen Lucas for "The Knitting Circle". In this video, let's learn how to knit two together through the back loop. This particular decrease is a beautiful left-leaning decrease that's super easy to work. So, let's get started. Here, I have a swatch where I have done some knit two together through the back loop stitches.

I just did them on every right side row here and you can see my decreases right along here. So, you can see that the knit two together through the back loop leans to the left. So, you might recall that a slip slip knit also leans to the left. So I have my slip slip knit swatch here. So you can just see how the two look next to each other.

They do look pretty similar. So if you find that you're not liking to do the slip slip knit you could try just doing a knit two together through the back loop. So let's go ahead and look at this stitch. Just gonna knit a couple of stitches here just to get away from my edge. So normally when you're knitting you're going through the leg of your stitch this way from front to back.

So when we want to knit through the back we're gonna be going in the opposite direction. So to knit two together through the back loop we're gonna go through the next two stitches through their back loops. So we're going this way into the stitches and I have the two stitches here and then we're gonna knit them together into one stitch. So we had two stitches and we're making one. So again, we're gonna go through the back loops of the next two stitches together this way and then knit them together and you can already see this one is leaning to the left.

So again, through the back loops of the next two stitches, it's very easy. You just need to remember to go through the back loops. And that's it, that's knit two together through the back loop. Thank you so much for joining me here at "The Knitting Circle" and learning how to knit two together through the back loop. I hope that you enjoyed this video and if you did be sure to check out all the other great videos here on our website.

I'll see you back here again soon.

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