Quick Tips: Making A Nupp with A Crochet Hook
Mary Beth TempleDescription
Hi, I'm Mary Beth Temple. And while I really like to knit lace, I really don't like to knit nups. Although I do like the look of them. So I figured out how to do it with a crochet hook. So you're gonna come up to the stitch where you want the nup to be, insert your crochet hook into that stitch as if to knit.
Now we're gonna keep doing our yarn overs from back to front. So we're going to make a faux knit stitch and then yarn over from back to front. So there's my knit yarn over net yarn over net. Now, I have my five loops on my crochet hook. I'm gonna pop that knit stitch off the left hand needle.
And now all I have to do to finish is to yarn over from back to front, gonna angle that hook down a little and pull it through all five loops and pop that stitch onto my right hand needle and I'm ready to knit the next stitch
What is a nupp? Is it like a bobble?