Mary Beth Temple

Quick Tips: Making A Partial Lifeline

Mary Beth Temple
Duration:   1  mins


Even if you haven’t made a full lifeline for your project, if you have to rip back a small section of a pattern due to a mistake, or have a series of dropped stitches, adding a partial lifeline after the fact will make your repair a lot less stressful to make. Learn how to make a complete lifeline in this video.

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Hi there. I am Mary Beth Temple. And a lot of times we tell knitters to use lifelines on their lace projects so that if you make a mistake and you can rip back to the lifeline, you can save yourself a lot of effort. However, if you're fitting even a cable or a color work pattern, you find a mistake, a couple of rows pass and you'd like to fix it. But you're worried about dropping a stitch.

You can add a partial lifeline, find a row that is correct. A few rows under the mistake, take your yarn and your yarn needle and you're going to come in from the back and just grab the right leg of every stitch in the row. So if I have a mistake, that's one or two stitches wide, I'm gonna drop this lifeline probably eight or 10 stitches because it's always better to be too big than too small. But once I put that lifeline in, if I have a mistake right here, I can comfortably drop all these stitches, they won't unravel past the lifeline and I can re knit my mistake area, fixing my color, work my cable or any other kind of stitch pattern issue that I might have.

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