Three Stitch Patterns for Dishcloths
Jen LucasDescription
Join Jen Lucas on Wednesday, January 18th at 11:00 am CT for a FREE LIVE tutorial! Dishcloths are a staple in the world of knitting. Most of us knit a dishcloth at some point in our knitting journey, and there is no shortage of dishcloth patterns out there. One thing Jen really loves about dishcloths is that they’re a great way to try new stitch patterns. Just grab a ball of kitchen cotton and knitting needles, and you’ve turned your swatch of a stitch pattern into something useful. Here are three simple yet stunning stitch patterns for you to try on your next dishcloth. Grab some color-coordinating yarns and you can even make a cute dishcloth set! Download the FREE pattern here!
Hello from St Thomas Virgin Islands
How can I differentiate between dish cloths and wash cloths? Is there a standard size for each?
Hi. From NC. what are some brands for dishcloth cotton. Thanks love the site
Need something quick that I can practice and actually finish a project!